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The secrets man
Collection- Data sheet
- Author Giuliano Koren
- Paper Photographic
- Kind of paper Satin
- Genre War
- Primary colour Brown
- Format Horizontal
Burma – Behind the scenes tells the story of a country wich is currently at the centre of international attention. Burma is a long strip of land inhabited by seven different peoples and 136 ethnic groups who are living with the constant nightmare of repression. Power is currently in the hands of the SPDC (State Peace and Development Council). A bizarre name for a dictatorship which, under various guises has ruled undisturbed since 1962. Peaceful protest marches by the population reached their peak in 1988. In August of that year the army began shooting at the crowds and within 3 weeks there were over then 3,000 victims.
At the end of September 2007 the burmese monks led a peaceful protest through the streets of Yangon. They walked slowly, in silence, suffucated once again by the violence. A few months later everything seems quiet. Everything seems to have gone back to normal. They are following the script again, the show goes on. But Myanmar, is waiting behind the scenes.
The real face of Burma is one of tragic contrast. A twfaced Janus, one looking to the past and one looking to the future: desire and hope, the courage and dignity of a people who are fighting in silence for their freedom.
Thailandia, 2007