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Shake and splash
Collection- Data sheet
- Author Carlo Delli
- Paper Photographic
- Kind of paper Satin
- Genre Animals
- Primary colour Green
- Format Horizontal
One must know how to wait and predict what happens to shoot at the right time. African highlands was raining and this lion was resting after the meal, sooner or later had to shake, and while all the others were gone Carlo Delli was ready.
Established in 1961 Masai Mara (or Maasai Mara) is the largest wildlife game reserve of southwestern Kenya. Along with the Serengeti Park in Tanzania, the Masai Mara reserve form one large ecosystem. Its icon is the Lion.Very sociable animals living in prides of 1-3 males and perhaps 15-20 females and young (which may have a territory of 50-400km2). The females tend to kill food for the pride (sometimes helped by males driving the prey towards them) often by crouching low then pouncing on the backs of unsuspecting animals near water holes (killing prey by strangling or breaking its neck). They are not particlarly good hunders, and males insist on eating their share before the females. Hunting occurs at night or cooler times of day, the hotter hours are spent resting in the shade. Only males grow a mane, which can take up to 5 years to fully develop.
[#dettagli#]The author says: “The earth doesn't have a mirror, we have to be the mirror for it”.