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Collection- Data sheet
- Author Roberto Pazzi
- Paper Photographic
- Kind of paper Satin
- Genre Spirituality
- Primary colour Green
- Format Horizontal
Photo taken in August 2015 near Kampotnel south of Cambodia during a trip of nearly three months following the Mekong River attravarso Laos and Cambodia. During this trip Roberto Pazzi has spent a lot of time in Buddhist temples to collect scenedi common life of young monks. During the rainy season the monks devote themselves completely to meditation. According to Buddhist tradition, the rain means that the seeds are able to germinate and vegetative life will scaturire.In this photograph there are many Buddhist iconology recalls. It is no coincidence that the small monaco has a yellow umbrella. This color, in fact, is the most similar to daylight, has the highest symbolic value in Buddhism through its link with the saffron robes of the monks. This color, previously worn by criminals, was chosen by Gautama the Buddha as a symbol of his humility and his separation from the materialistic society, then it means surrender, desires and humility. It is the color of the earth, thus becoming a symbol of rootedness and peace of terra.Un'altra curiosity is the background image. A view of the countryside Kampotnel intense green crayon. Green so embodies the qualities of balance and harmony, is the color of the relationship with nature, trees and plants, and the green color of Goddess Tara indicates a mixture of white, yellow and blue, all colors indicating the functions ( respectively) to pacify, increase and destroy. Green also denotes the vigor and youth activities and then Green Tara is always identified as a young girl with a mischievous and playful nature. Even the lord of karma (or action) called Amoghasiddhi, is associated with this color, thus reiterating that green in Buddhist thought is the action color.