All artworks of Publifoto c/o Sergio Bergami

During the heroic years of photography, Publifoto born in Genoa (1951) with a clear vocation for the photographic record. Together with daily news such as large demonstrations, inaugurations of new motorway sections, black and judicial reporting, an important chapter is the production of images of famous people who in those years spent their holydays between Portofino and Santa Margherita.
Publifoto collaborates with the great Genoese industries: Ansaldo, shipyards and below Italsider, Italimpianti, Ilva, Piaggio and the transition from reporting alone industrial picture was quick and productive. In the '80s, despite the field of black and white photography is given up, Publifoto resists and strengthens its laboratory with three enlargers, tanks bakelite for immersion developments, by negative prints of each size and experience a printer who for twenty years has made the photographer.